The Institute for Research on Exoplanets, in collaboration with the Centre de recherche en astrophysique du Québec (CRAQ), is organizing the “An Astronomer in Your Classroom” activity within the framework of 24h of science.
“An Astronomer in Your Classroom ” is a chance to have your classroom of students meet and interact with a real-life astronomer. Our team of astronomers are interested in a variety of subjects including exoplanets, black holes, galaxies and the evolution of stars. Your students will have the opportunity to ask their visiting astronomer any question they may have about the Universe, galaxies, stars, moons and life elsewhere. The astronomer will talk about astronomy in general, what a day in the life of an astronomer looks like and the scientific research done in Québec. He or she will also discuss the huge advancements in the field of exoplanets in the last 25 years, and how astronomers hope to detect signs of life on those planets orbiting stars other than our Sun in the near future. In addition, the students will also be encouraged to do an artistic activity before or after the visit, in class or at home.
Please note that the activity, which lasts approximately 90-120 minutes, will happen either in the morning or afternoon during the week of May 13th 2019. The activity is aimed at grade 4, 5 or 6 students on the island of Montréal.
Register here by April 26 2019 to win a chance to be amongst 11 classrooms that will be selected for this contest. The 11 winners (selected randomly) will be contacted during the week of April 29.
Activity for budding astronomers: Draw or describe your planet! (PDF format, to print)