Our Team

The iREx includes an expanding team of over 50 people (professors, researchers and students) mainly from the Université de Montréal, McGill University, Bishop's University and the Université Laval, all working on various research programs linked to the study of exoplanets and related fields.

Frédérique Baron

Interim IREx and OMM Deputy Director, CRAQ Coordinator, Instrumentation Project Manager, Université de Montréal

René Doyon

Director & Professor, Université de Montréal

Lison Malo

Astronomer and Instrumentation Group Leader, Université de Montréal

Marie-Eve Naud

Education & Public Outreach Coordinator, Université de Montréal

Nathalie Nguyen-Quoc Ouellette

Deputy Director, Université de Montréal (on maternity leave)

Heidi White

Outreach Officer, Université de Montréal