Discussion with our astronomers – ep. 1: Romain, Charles and Marine

Frédérique Baron, Marine Prunier, Romain Allart et Charles Cadieux.
Frédérique Baron, Marine Prunier, Romain Allart et Charles Cadieux.

As part of 24 heures de science, the Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx), the Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec (CRAQ) and the Faculté des arts et des sciences of Université de Montréal invite you to attend a discussion led by astronomer Frédérique Baron with three young astronomers*:

  • Marine Prunier, PhD student in astrophysics. Expertise: high-energy astrophysics, galaxies, active black holes). Supervisor: Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo
  • Charles Cadieux, PhD student in astrophysics. Expertise: exoplanets, ocean planets, transits, spectroscopy. Supervisor: René Doyon
  • Romain Allart, Trottier postdoctoral fellow. Expertise: exoplanets, gas giants, atmosphere, high-resolution spectroscopy.

For about an hour, listen to these early-career astronomers talk about their science. They’ll talk about some of the unforgettable experiences they’ve had along the way, mistakes and surprises they’ve had, how and when they decided to devote themselves to science, and their hopes for the future.

The podcast will be broadcasted live, on May 13 at 1:15pm on the iREx YouTube channel. It will then remain accessible on the channel.

*Note that the discussion will be in French, but English subtitles will be available.

This 45-minute activity is aimed in particular at late secondary school and college students, but can be viewed by anyone who wants to hear about science from our astronomers.