Ariane Deslières, a student at the University of Ottawa, is the first Sureau iREx fellow (Credit: É. Artigau/CFHT)
We are proud to announce that the first ever iREx Sureau Bursary has been awarded to Ariane Deslières, an undergraduate student at the University of Ottawa. Ariane, who was selected amongst a pool of nearly 100 candidates, will be a 2019 iREx summer intern under the supervision of René Doyon and Étienne Artigau. She will be working on data taken by the SPIRou instrument which recently began its scientific campaign at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT).
As a Sureau Fellow, Ariane will have the chance to work on site at the CFHT pour a month over this summer. She will be collaborating with astronomers located at the observatory and see the SPIRou instrument in action. This incredible opportunity will allow her to learn more about astronomical instrumentation and observational data collection at one of the world’s premier astronomical sites. This portion of the internship could not be possible without the gracious help of our colleagues at the CFHT.
Mr. Philippe Sureau has been a loyal iREx supporter since its inception. (Credit: Tourisme Montréal)
The Sureau bursary is made possible thanks to a generation donation given to the iREx by Mr. Philippe Sureau, cofounder of Air Transat and president of the administrative committee of Tourisme Montréal. He has been a loyal champion of the iREx for many years, and we thank him for his support. In addition to the Sureau bursary, his contributions have allowed the iREx to amplify its communications and outreach activities, allowing it to better connect the general public and students to its research programme.
The Sureau bursary shall be awarded annually to an undergraduate student undertaking a summer internship at the iREx. Interested students will have the chance to apply to this bursary every fall at the same time as our general summer internship competition.
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