Our Team

The iREx includes an expanding team of over 50 people (professors, researchers and students) mainly from the Université de Montréal, McGill University, Bishop's University and the Université Laval, all working on various research programs linked to the study of exoplanets and related fields.

Louis-Simon Guité

2020 Summer Intern

Prashansa Gupta

Former M.Sc. Student, Université de Montréal

Emina Hafiz

2022 Trottier Summer Intern, University of Calgary B.Sc. Student

Timothy Hallatt

Ph.D. Student, Université de Montréal

Olivier Hernandez

Former Coordinator, Université de Montréal

Antoine Herrmann

2019 Summer Intern

Patrick Horlaville

2021 Summer Intern

Laurent Jacob

2017 Summer Intern

Tareq Jaouni

2019 Summer Intern

Diana Jovmir

2015 Summer Intern

Amalia Karalis

M.Sc. Student, McGill University

Numa Karolinski

2020 Summer Intern

Dylan Keating

Former Ph.D. Student, McGill University

Jacob Kennedy

2021 Summer Intern

Mariya Krasteva

2018 Summer Intern

Michelle Kunimoto

2016 Summer Intern

François-René Lachapelle

Former Ph.D. Student, Université de Montréal

Emilie Laflèche

2019 Summer Intern

Samantha Lambier

2021 Summer Intern

Pierrot Lamontagne

2022 Summer Intern, Université de Montréal B.Sc. Student

Maude Larivière

2021 Summer Intern

Arnaud René Larochelle

2022 Summer Intern, Université de Montréal B.Sc. Student

Ben Leblanc

M.Sc. Student, Bishop's University

Évelyne Lecavalier-Hurtubise

2016 Summer Intern

Eve Lee

Professor, McGill University

Pierrot-Baptiste Lemée-Jolicoeur

Former M.Sc. Student, Université de Montréal

Xueying Li

2021 Summer Intern

Evelyn MacDonald

2018 Summer Intern

Laurence Marcotte

2019 Summer Intern

Melissa Marquette

Former M.Sc. Student, McGill University

Samson Mercier

2021 Summer Intern

Keavin Moore

Ph.D. Student, McGill University

Kim Morel

M.Sc. Student, Université de Montréal

Daniella Morrone

2022 Trottier Summer Intern, University of Toronto B.Sc. Student

Thomas Navarro

Researcher, Space Science institute

Mathilde Papillon

2019 Summer Intern