Caroline Piaulet, a PhD student at the Université de Montréal, has been awarded an engagement grant (Bourses d’engagement de la Faculté des arts et des sciences) for the year 2020-2021. This grant recognises her exceptional involvement in education and public outreach initiatives, while maintaining excellent academic results.
Over the past year, Caroline has volunteered over 70 hours to the 1000 Sciences component of the Projet SEUR, for which she built and facilitated an astrophysics workshop for high school students. She also developed a Sprint de Science for high school students in collaboration with our partner, Coeur des sciences. She has supported Cégep students on several occasions, for example as a mentor for an Expo-Sciences project or by discussing her academic path, research and job opportunities at networking events and on social media. She actively participates in the Physics Department’s D-PHY committee meetings and has also helped organised the Montreal Space Symposium and the SAPHARI Symposium. At iREx, she is part of the team that develops the ExoBites series.
The entire iREx team congratulates Caroline, an exemplary student who actively participates in our research, training activities, as well as education and public outreach initiatives for youth and the general public.
The Bourses d’engagement de la Faculté des arts et des sciences are offered to undergraduate and graduate students in the Faculté des arts et des sciences who are involved in their community, whether it be in a group, an organisation or a project, while maintaining an outstanding academic record.
Civic engagement is at the heart of the priorities of the Faculté des arts et des sciences and these grants aim to encourage and reward students who are involved in their community.