
The most recent

UdeM-Led Study of Exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b Reveals New Insights into its Atmosphere and Star
September 25 2023

UdeM-Led Study of Exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b Reveals New Insights into its Atmosphere and Star

A team of astronomers has made an important leap forward in our understanding of the…

September 12 2023


Solar eclipses are rare and unique astronomical phenomena! iREx members love this phenomenon, and it’s…

Lookback at our 2023 summer internships
September 8 2023

Lookback at our 2023 summer internships

The start of the school year marks the conclusion of summer internships at iREx. Our…

Eleven giant exoplanets studied closely by SPIRou – Interview with Romain Allart
September 4 2023

Eleven giant exoplanets studied closely by SPIRou – Interview with Romain Allart

Romain Allart, a Trottier postdoctoral researcher at the Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx)…

René Doyon appointed Canada Research Chair in Experimental Astrophysics and Exoplanet Sciences
August 31 2023

René Doyon appointed Canada Research Chair in Experimental Astrophysics and Exoplanet Sciences

René Doyon is the new Canada Research Chair in Experimental Astrophysics and Exoplanet Sciences. This…

Nicolas Cowan leading Canada’s scientific contribution to the Ariel mission
August 30 2023

Nicolas Cowan leading Canada’s scientific contribution to the Ariel mission

In the ever-expanding realm of space exploration, each new mission heralds a leap forward in…

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: Do you think there’s life elsewhere?
August 17 2023

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: Do you think there’s life elsewhere?

To introduce you to our young researchers, we conducted a series of flash interviews throughout…

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: Which chapter in the history of exoplanets is important?
August 16 2023

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: Which chapter in the history of exoplanets is important?

To introduce you to our young researchers, we conducted a series of flash interviews throughout…

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: What are you working on these days?
August 14 2023

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: What are you working on these days?

To introduce you to our young researchers, we conducted a series of flash interviews throughout…

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: What’s your favourite planet?
August 12 2023

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: What’s your favourite planet?

To introduce you to our young researchers, we conducted a series of flash interviews throughout…

My Thesis in 400 Words: André Beaudoin
July 21 2023

My Thesis in 400 Words: André Beaudoin

André Beaudoin, an iREx Masters student, completed his M.Sc. at Université de Montréal in 2023.…

First Y+Y Brown Dwarf Binary System Unveiled by JWST
July 1 2023

First Y+Y Brown Dwarf Binary System Unveiled by JWST

In a groundbreaking discovery, astronomers have identified the first-ever binary system consisting of two Y…