
The most recent

Nicolas Cowan leading Canada’s scientific contribution to the Ariel mission
August 30 2023

Nicolas Cowan leading Canada’s scientific contribution to the Ariel mission

In the ever-expanding realm of space exploration, each new mission heralds a leap forward in…

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: Do you think there’s life elsewhere?
August 17 2023

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: Do you think there’s life elsewhere?

To introduce you to our young researchers, we conducted a series of flash interviews throughout…

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: Which chapter in the history of exoplanets is important?
August 16 2023

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: Which chapter in the history of exoplanets is important?

To introduce you to our young researchers, we conducted a series of flash interviews throughout…

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: What are you working on these days?
August 14 2023

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: What are you working on these days?

To introduce you to our young researchers, we conducted a series of flash interviews throughout…

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: What’s your favourite planet?
August 12 2023

We asked iREx’s young astronomers: What’s your favourite planet?

To introduce you to our young researchers, we conducted a series of flash interviews throughout…

My Thesis in 400 Words: André Beaudoin
July 21 2023

My Thesis in 400 Words: André Beaudoin

André Beaudoin, an iREx Masters student, completed his M.Sc. at Université de Montréal in 2023.…

First Y+Y Brown Dwarf Binary System Unveiled by JWST
July 1 2023

First Y+Y Brown Dwarf Binary System Unveiled by JWST

In a groundbreaking discovery, astronomers have identified the first-ever binary system consisting of two Y…

iREx researchers awarded coveted JWST time during Cycle 2
July 1 2023

iREx researchers awarded coveted JWST time during Cycle 2

Approximately 5,000 hours of observing time have been awarded for the James Webb Space Telescope’s…

iREx at the CASCA 2023 Annual Meeting
July 1 2023

iREx at the CASCA 2023 Annual Meeting

From June 12 to 16, 2023, the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) held its annual meeting…

My Thesis in 400 Words: Ariane Deslières
July 1 2023

My Thesis in 400 Words: Ariane Deslières

Ariane Deslières, an iREx Masters student, completed her M.Sc. at Université de Montréal in 2023.…

Érika Le Bourdais wins a grant for her engagement
June 20 2023

Érika Le Bourdais wins a grant for her engagement

Érika Le Bourdais, a master’s student at the Université de Montréal since September 2022, has…

A scorching-hot exoplanet scrutinized by UdeM astronomers 
June 14 2023

A scorching-hot exoplanet scrutinized by UdeM astronomers 

Université de Montréal astronomers have used the Gemini-North Telescope in Hawai’i to study the chemical…