Farbod Jahandar

Ph.D. Student, Université de Montréal

Farbod completed his bachelor degree, combined honours in physics and astronomy, and also his master degree at the University of Victoria. His master thesis focused on observational and instrumental astronomy and was done under the supervision of Dr. Kim Venn. Farbod worked on four different projects during his master’s studies: infrared spectroscopy and detailed examination of Palomar 1 globular cluster from the APOGEE database, observation and examination of extremely metal-poor stars from the PRISTINE database, analyses of various applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence in astronomy, and designing an optical system for examination of performance of optical fibres for the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE) project.

Farbod has started his Ph.D. studies at the Université de Montréal from September 2018 under supervisions of Dr. René Doyon (Université de Montréal) and Dr. Simon Thibault (Université Laval). His Ph.D. project includes the optical design and implementation of a high-resolution optical spectrograph (VROOMM) at the Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic (OMM). This instrument will be designed for efficient detection of exoplanets by high precision measurement of the radial velocity of the nearby bright stars.


René Doyon

Farbod Jahandar
Ph.D. Student, Université de Montréal