On Wednesday, October 20th, a special event, the “Journée 100 ans de physique” was held at the campus MIL, to celebrate the centennial of the Department of Physics of the Université de Montréal. During this day, an exhibition of research posters was held.
Myriam Prasow-Émond, a master’s student at iREx and in the X-TRA Group, was awarded the prize for the best MSc poster. She received a prize of $250. In this poster, she summarizes her research project, which consists of searching for exoplanets in extreme environments using direct imaging.
The jury, composed of four professors from the physics department, Delphine Bouilly, Philippe St-Jean, Alan Robinson and Ahmad Hamdan, recognized the high quality of the posters presented and the excellent presentations of the students.
Congratulations to Myriam for this distinction!