
The most recent

A scorching-hot exoplanet scrutinized by UdeM astronomers 
June 14 2023

A scorching-hot exoplanet scrutinized by UdeM astronomers 

Université de Montréal astronomers have used the Gemini-North Telescope in Hawai’i to study the chemical…

Researcher Étienne Artigau receives an award from the Fonds de recherche du Québec
June 6 2023

Researcher Étienne Artigau receives an award from the Fonds de recherche du Québec

Étienne Artigau, iREx researcher at the Université de Montréal, wins the 2e prix d’excellence des…

A likely volcano-covered terrestrial world outside the Solar System
May 17 2023

A likely volcano-covered terrestrial world outside the Solar System

Astronomers from the Université de Montréal have discovered an Earth-sized exoplanet around a nearby small…

Where will you be on April 8, 2024?
April 4 2023

Where will you be on April 8, 2024?

One year from now, an extremely rare afternoon solar eclipse will be visible from southern…

René Doyon, Radio-Canada’s Scientist of the Year… again!
February 22 2023

René Doyon, Radio-Canada’s Scientist of the Year… again!

We are proud to announce today that Radio-Canada is awarding its 2022 Scientifique de l’année…

Dr. Eve J. Lee receives the 2022 Vainu Bappu Gold Medal
February 22 2023

Dr. Eve J. Lee receives the 2022 Vainu Bappu Gold Medal

Dr. Eve J. Lee, Assistant Professor at McGill University and a member of our institute,…

Heidi White, our new Outreach Officer
February 20 2023

Heidi White, our new Outreach Officer

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Dr. Heidi White as our new Outreach…

My Thesis in 400 Words: Margaret Bruna
February 20 2023

My Thesis in 400 Words: Margaret Bruna

Margaret Bruna, an iREx student at McGill University, finished her master degree in 2022. Here,…

Université de Montréal astronomers find that two exoplanets may be mostly water
December 15 2022

Université de Montréal astronomers find that two exoplanets may be mostly water

A team led by UdeM astronomers has found evidence that two exoplanets orbiting a red…

Lisa Dang, Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Université de Montréal
November 29 2022

Lisa Dang, Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Université de Montréal

Lisa Đặng, an iREx member who completed her Ph.D. at McGill University this summer, was…

Lisa Dang awarded L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship
November 22 2022

Lisa Dang awarded L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship

Lisa Đặng, Trottier postdoctoral researcher at the iREx at the Université de Montréal, receives a…

Hot and dry: SPIRou reveals the atmosphere of hot Jupiter Tau Boötis b
July 28 2021

Hot and dry: SPIRou reveals the atmosphere of hot Jupiter Tau Boötis b

Measuring the composition of the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter Tau Boötis b more precisely…