Sometimes a brown dwarf is actually a planet—or planet-like anyway. A team led by Carnegie’s…
A team led by iREx researcher Lauren Weiss combined measurements from the W. M. Keck…
An exoplanet a bit bigger and more massive than the Earth was just detected in…
David Lafrenière, professor at Université de Montréal and member of iREx, is the recipient of…
In January 2017, iREx had the pleasure to welcome Marie-Eve Naud in his team. Marie-Eve is the new…
There may be a large number of undetected bright, substellar objects similar to giant exoplanets…
About a year ago, the discovery of 3 Earth-sized planets orbiting the very cold star…
Scientists have witnessed, for the first time, a massive, comet-like object being ripped apart and…
Patrick Dufour, professor at Université de Montréal and member of iREx, is in Quebec Science…
Many new members joined iREx in September 2016. Among them, the new Trottier Postdoctoral Fellows,…
The second edition of the conference “Exploring the Universe with JWST” took place during the week…
Jonathan Gagné, a former student and a collaborator of iREx, receives one of the Acfas…
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