
The most recent

David Lafrenière, recipient of the CASCA Harvey B. Richer Gold Medal
April 16 2017

David Lafrenière, recipient of the CASCA Harvey B. Richer Gold Medal

David Lafrenière, professor at Université de Montréal and member of iREx, is the recipient of…

Marie-Eve Naud, the new iREx Scientific and EPO Coordinator
March 7 2017

Marie-Eve Naud, the new iREx Scientific and EPO Coordinator

In January 2017, iREx had the pleasure to welcome Marie-Eve Naud in his team. Marie-Eve is the new…

Hunting for giant planet analogs in our own backyard
March 1 2017

Hunting for giant planet analogs in our own backyard

There may be a large number of undetected bright, substellar objects similar to giant exoplanets…

Seven Earth-sized planets around the ultra-cool dwarf TRAPPIST-1
February 22 2017

Seven Earth-sized planets around the ultra-cool dwarf TRAPPIST-1

About a year ago, the discovery of 3 Earth-sized planets orbiting the very cold star…

Massive comet-like object pollutes the atmosphere of a white dwarf
February 9 2017

Massive comet-like object pollutes the atmosphere of a white dwarf

Scientists have witnessed, for the first time, a massive, comet-like object being ripped apart and…

Patrick Dufour in Quebec Science Top 10 discoveries
January 10 2017

Patrick Dufour in Quebec Science Top 10 discoveries

Patrick Dufour, professor at Université de Montréal and member of iREx, is in Quebec Science…

An international group of Astronomers in Montreal for the conference “Exploring the Universe with JWST-II”
November 4 2016

An international group of Astronomers in Montreal for the conference “Exploring the Universe with JWST-II”

The second edition of the conference “Exploring the Universe with JWST” took place during the week…

Jonathan Gagné receives a Prix Acfas for his thesis on brown dwarfs
September 30 2016

Jonathan Gagné receives a Prix Acfas for his thesis on brown dwarfs

Jonathan Gagné, a former student and a collaborator of iREx, receives one of the Acfas…

New low-mass objects could help refine planetary evolution
September 30 2016

New low-mass objects could help refine planetary evolution

When a star is young, it is often still surrounded by a primordial rotating disk…

The Gemini Planet Imager celebrates one year of service
January 21 2016

The Gemini Planet Imager celebrates one year of service

Having started its activities in November 2014, the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) celebrates one year…

MIT’s Venus
January 21 2016

MIT’s Venus

A team of researchers found the nearest rocky extrasolar planet from us. Although uninhabitable with…

Kepler: Half of all discoveries may be false positives
January 21 2016

Kepler: Half of all discoveries may be false positives

The Kepler space observatory fruitful results, which led to the discovery of about half of…