
The most recent

Jason Rowe newly appointed Canada Research Chair in Exoplanet Astrophysics
February 2 2018

Jason Rowe newly appointed Canada Research Chair in Exoplanet Astrophysics

Jason Rowe, a Professor at Bishop’s University and researcher of iREx, was newly appointed as…

My master thesis in 400 words: David Berardo
February 2 2018

My master thesis in 400 words: David Berardo

David Berardo, an iREx student at McGill University, finished his master degree in August 2017.…

A ‘hot Jupiter’ with unusual winds
January 22 2018

A ‘hot Jupiter’ with unusual winds

Puzzling finding raises new questions about atmospheric physics of giant planets The hottest point on…

Planets around Other Stars are like Peas in a Pod
January 9 2018

Planets around Other Stars are like Peas in a Pod

An international research team led by Institute for research on exoplanets astrophysicist Lauren Weiss has…

Two Super-Earths around the red dwarf K2-18
December 5 2017

Two Super-Earths around the red dwarf K2-18

Researchers find exciting potential for little-known exoplanet – and discover another planet in the process…

A New Spin to Solving Mystery of Stellar Companions
December 4 2017

A New Spin to Solving Mystery of Stellar Companions

Using new observations made at the Keck Observatory, an international team of researchers measured the…

News from 51 Eridani b
November 10 2017

News from 51 Eridani b

This summer, an international team including several members of iREx has published a new study…

My thesis in 400 words: Simon Coudé
November 10 2017

My thesis in 400 words: Simon Coudé

Simon Coudé, an iREx student at Université de Montréal, submitted his PhD thesis in August…

René Doyon wins the Urgel-Archambault prize
November 9 2017

René Doyon wins the Urgel-Archambault prize

René Doyon is the recipient of the 2017 Prix Urgel Archambault of Association francophone pour…

NASA’s Hubble Captures Blistering Pitch-Black Planet
September 14 2017

NASA’s Hubble Captures Blistering Pitch-Black Planet

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has observed a planet outside our solar system that looks as…

A journey to the new worlds
September 13 2017

A journey to the new worlds

On 12 August 2017, the Université de Montréal held its first “Voyage vers les nouveaux…

A very productive summer for the iREx interns
September 12 2017

A very productive summer for the iREx interns

The start of the fall semester marks the end of the summer internships. All our…