
The most recent

A second planet in the closest extrasolar system to our Sun?
February 5 2020

A second planet in the closest extrasolar system to our Sun?

A study published in Science magazine in January 2020 and led by Mario Damasso, an…

A Lookback on TESS’s First Year
February 5 2020

A Lookback on TESS’s First Year

NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) completed its first year of scientific observations between July…

My Thesis in 400 words: Dominic Couture
December 17 2019

My Thesis in 400 words: Dominic Couture

Dominic Couture, an iREx student at Université de Montréal, finished his master degree in 2019.…

A star has left us
November 8 2019

A star has left us

On November 1, Gilles Fontaine, professor in the Départment de physique at the Université de…

Ingredients for life on Titan with Sarah Hörst
November 7 2019

Ingredients for life on Titan with Sarah Hörst

The Institute for Research on Exoplanets was pleased to welcome Sarah Hörst on October 16th…

Water detected on an exoplanet located in its star’s habitable zone
September 11 2019

Water detected on an exoplanet located in its star’s habitable zone

An international study lead by Université de Montréal astronomer Björn Benneke has detected water vapour…

A lookback on the 2019 iREx summer internships
September 4 2019

A lookback on the 2019 iREx summer internships

As we get ready for the start of the new academic year, we would like…

JWST completely assembled for the first time
September 3 2019

JWST completely assembled for the first time

After being tested separately, the two halves of the James Webb Space Telescope have finally…

The iREx welcomes Eve Lee, new professor at McGill University
September 3 2019

The iREx welcomes Eve Lee, new professor at McGill University

Eve Lee, a specialist in the formation of planetary systems, joins McGill University’s Department of…

iREx astronomers determine Earth’s fingerprint in hopes of finding habitable planets beyond the Solar System
August 28 2019

iREx astronomers determine Earth’s fingerprint in hopes of finding habitable planets beyond the Solar System

Two iREx astronomers have assembled a “fingerprint” for Earth, which could be used to identify…

The dark side of extrasolar planets share surprisingly similar temperatures
August 28 2019

The dark side of extrasolar planets share surprisingly similar temperatures

A new study by McGill University astronomers has found that the temperature on the nightsides of different hot Jupiters is surprisingly uniform, suggesting the dark side of…

Probing a new class of exoplanets
July 2 2019

Probing a new class of exoplanets

An international team led by UdeM astronomer gets a clearer picture of what is likely…